Cream (Band)

Cream is a 60’s British rock band consisting of Jack Bruce,  Eric Clapton, and Ginger Baker.  Cream greatest  hits were “I Feel Free”, “Sunshine of Your Love” ] “White Room”  “Crossroads” and “Badge”.


In 1967, Robert was living in a place called “The Phesantry” with a good friend of his, Australian artist, Martin Sharp.  Martin and Robert had previously worked together on creating Oz magazine.  Martin asked Robert to head to Scotland with Cream to get some images that could be used for the cover of Cream’s upcoming album” Disraeli Gears”.

“”Cream were going to do a tour of the north of England and Scotland. I just jumped in a car. Various things presented themselves to us on our journey around Scotland, none of which I could have recreated in a studio. I was very lucky that Martin had discovered day-glo paint. I had all the pictures, which I knew were for some form of publicity. I made a whole series of colour prints and Martin just started cutting them up – much to my annoyance, because they weren’t cheap to do. He then laid them out on a 12-inch square as a piece of finished artwork and then painted all over it.”


Royal Albert Hall CREAM 68-2003 20. CREAM 68-2003 31 CREAM 68-2003 65 CREAM 68-2003 74